Tuesday, November 13, 2007

To Bleach or not to Bleach...Week 1

About a week ago I decided to bleach my teeth. I have been using a 22% solution of carbamide peroxide in a custom tray for one hour per day. The trays are very comfortable and I usually wear it during the day...usually while I am seeing patients.
I am experiencing some slight sensitivity but nothing serious and certainly nothing that requires any type pain killer!

As far as I can see the teeth are somewhat whiter...I will continue the bleaching for one more week and then I will post my results...

In any case here is a comparison photo....and remember I am taking these photos on myself so I am doing the best I can!!


Adam M. Donahue said...

I notice in the second photograph that the bottom part of your teeth seem significantly whiter than the top parts. (Pardon my lack of scientific terminology here.)

Is that a normal affect of bleaching, or does the process eventually whiten each tooth in full?

Dr. Stan said...

you are correct...the most whitening usually occurs at the edge and the least whitening occurs near the gum line..however..at the end the entire tooth should still be whiter overall...that's just the way it is!!