Monday, November 12, 2007

Serious business

We all like to have a good time at the work place and our office is no exception. We treat our patients like family and we enjoy our work, especially when we make people feel good and look better.

However...sometimes we face some serious issues. One of those issues is oral cancer.
Cancer in any part of the body is something to be treated as soon as possible, so early detection is always best. When patients come in we routinely examine the soft tissues in the mouth. This includes an inspection of the lateral or side part of the tongue on both sides.
Here is a case
where there is a suspicious lesion on the border of the tongue. These are usually nothing more than just traumatic irritation. But once in a while the lesions we find are the beginnings of oral cancer.
I referred this patient to an oral surgeon for a biopsy of this small area...with a little luck the biopsy will be negative..but we are always looking out for out patient's health.