Thursday, November 8, 2007

X-Rays are your friend!!

Many patients are often hesitant to take x-rays...some fear the radiation, others just don't like that big thing in their mouth that I ask them to bite down on...and others just don't want the extra expense.

Well I am here today to tell you that x-rays are your friend!! How so you ask?
Well a wonderful young lady came in today and a routine visual examination did not really show anything too unusual. She had many fillings placed in various teeth over the years and nothing was bothering her. Now in these cases I am usually pretty conservative and will not recommend replacement of a filling unless I see a definite reason.

Well... I recommended we take a set of X rays and we proceeded to take a full mouth set. With my digital radiography system I was able to quickly and easily view all the x rays in a matter of minutes on my computer screen. And there it was...hiding under an old silver filling was a nasty area of decay. Without the x rays I might have said that everything looked OK...but now I knew that treatment was needed.

So instead of the patient returning in a year or two needing a root canal treatment and a post and crown(cap)....we are now able to excavate the tooth and treat it in a much more conservative fashion...

That's all for now....!

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