Monday, December 10, 2007

Just a little piece chipped off...

When I hear that phrase, I know there is trouble...the patient says...but doctor...just a tiny piece of the tooth chipped away. Well anytime a piece of tooth chips away the possibility for trouble exists. Take today's example...a new patient comes in and gives me that line! Have a look for yourself ....

So i explain to the patient that the tooth chipped because there appears to be a large amount of decay under the surface...and sure enough my initial excavation shows just that....
As I continue the excavation I have to extend to the other side of the tooth as well and on that side I also find a huge area of decay...
After a few minutes I have the area cleaned out of any decay and I have reached healthy tooth structure...
however..there is so much loss of tooth that anything less than a cap(crown)would put the tooth at risk for future breakage....and considering the massive amount of decay and lost tooth structure this patient will need the nerve removed as well....
So next time you've got just a little chip...make sure to come in right away!!

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