Friday, December 14, 2007

Gold Mining..tooth style

A long time a world long removed from here, patients used to have large fillings made out of gold....and when done properly they would last a lifetime!
However when not done well they are extremely prone to decay and nasty things go on underneath them....and today's story is one of those gold filling failures.
Here is our tooth as we can see several areas where there is a defective margin along the inlay.

After the initial excavation, we have quite a bit of decay evident...

Further excavation cleans up the mesial part of the tooth...however the remainder of the inlay still has decay underneath and I will unfortunately have to remove the entire inlay...

After removing the remainder of the gold we can see there is a considerable amount of decay that needs removal...

Finally after much excavation, although the tooth still is stained it is only discolored tooth structure and not it is very hard and has not softness...

I proceed to place a large tooth colored filling into the tooth and the patient is re-appointed and will start a crown at the next visit...

Have a good weekend!!

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