Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Porcelain Power

Like everything else around us...dentistry evolves.

For years, when a patient needed a full crown (cap) to restore a tooth, the state of the art, was a crown that had a metal understructure and then porcelain baked on top of the metal..and they were beautiful, strong and long lasting...

Over the last several years the standard of care has changed...and I can now offer crowns that are even more they are now made of porcelain metal understructure.

The technology now exists where we can have porcelain strong enough to resist breaking and without the metal understructure... the translucency of the porcelain leaves it even more esthetically pleasing..

In addition..with our old style porcelain/metal matter how well we did it, the metal could leave a slight grey tone at the gum line...not really noticeable to most people...and not objectionable...but there was a greyish tone if you really inspected.....

Now with the power of porcelain...gum line areas are no longer getting that grey tone..
These photos will tell the story...

here is the preparation of the tooth ready for 
crown try in...

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