Monday, November 15, 2010

sometimes you get lucky...

A long time patient came in about two months ago...reported that she took a fall and may have injured her front teeth...clinical and xray exam showed nothing unusual.
About a week later the tooth took a turn for the was still asymptomatice but it had turned a dark grey...I explained this was due to the traumatic injury and would need to be treated ASAP with a root canal treatment to remove the damaged puly tissues.

Root canal treatment was successful but she still had a greyish tooth..and being that this is right up front and center it was no good!!!

A crown or laminate was ruled out as the whole tooth was basically intact and I felt that due to the unusual prominence of the tooth any artificial restoration, no matter how good, would be obvious...

So we decided to do an internal bleaching, often called a walking bleach...although this can sometimes have some unintended side effects...we decided to go ahead with it.

It basically involves placing a bleaching material in the tooth and letting the bleach penetrate the internal discolored aspect of the tooth...well the patient came in ten days after the first treatment and we had a huge success.

The patient and doctor were thrilled!
Please click on the photo to get a larger version!

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