Tooth decay is often hard to find...sometimes it is hiding between the teeth in places where you are not expecting to find it.
Here is a case where a 16 year old boy with no fillings, presented for examination. Clinical exam seemed to show that all the teeth were in good condition. However, my digital x-ray system revealed a carious lesion (fancy way of saying decay) on a tooth that appeared to be in perfect condition...figure 1.
After giving the young patient some local anesthetic I was able to make a small entry point to pinpoint the decay..and sure enough there it was...see figure 2.
Additionally the stained groove on the biting surface also seemed to have incipient (early) decay underneath it...figure 3.
Careful excavation of the decay resulted in a moderately sized cavity in which Iould place a tooth colored filling...figure 3. Here you can also see the clamp or matrix assembly that I use when I place this type of filling.
In the final picture...

you can see the tooth with the completed filling...so next time you think you don't see anything...make sure to take a second look. Something may be hiding between your teeth...so keep flossing and have a good weekend!!
Dr. Stan
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