Thursday, November 18, 2010

4 little teeth/caps

Well when you are in dental school they sort of scare you away from doing crowns/caps on the lower front teeth..why...well they are very small and hard to prepare properly..the angle to work on them is tough even though they are right up front...and the teeth are small and any mis-prep and you hit the nerve...
but sometimes we have no choice..this gentleman had radiation and chemotherapy about two years ago and since that time his lower front teeth were continuously getting new areas of decay...
finally we decided to cap them all and hopefully prevent future decay...I had to make sure to get the crown margins below the gum level to prevent gum level decay and that made it even harder..but here he is and here are the crowns at the cementing visit..
the gums are a little puffy from irritation from the temp but i am optimistic that they will tighten up around these little caps!!
It helps when they come out looking this good..the patient loved them!

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